Below is a list of sponsors who have graciously given of their time and resources to help make the Home Sweet Home Project a reality.
- 2 Bros Insulation, LLC
- 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty
- Aaron Boone
- Acme Brick
- Alabama Crown Distributing
- Alice Hernsberger
- Amanda Pearce
- Amber Crigler Harris
- American's Preferred Structural Warranty
- Andrea Rhodes
- Anna Boyington
- Anonymous Donations
- Anthony Lucidonio Jr
- Arha Foundation
- B & R Construction & Siding, LLC
- B&S Machine Shop
- Bahais of Fairhope
- Bank Plus
- Barnett Millworks
- Barry Gilliland
- BCHBA Board of Directors
- Bear Walker
- Ben Murphy Company, Inc.
- Benjamin & Miranda Schrubbe
- Benjamin Masters
- Bethel Engineering
- Beverly Spicknall
- Bill Patterson Construction
- Bluewater Exteriors
- Boone Trucking, Inc.
- Brazzell Insurance
- Brenda and Tim Canady
- Brian Duffy
- Brian T. Armstrong Construction
- Bryan Pilcher
- Builders Risk Insurance
- Capital City Produce
- Capitol Building Products
- Carey Killian
- Carrie French
- Charlene Laurman
- Cheryl Blohme
- Christopher Carlson
- Christy Wells Fritz
- Cindy Ruccolo
- City of Fairhope
- Clay & Linda Ericson
- Clear Image Glass, LLC
- Cleverdon Farms
- Cliff & Jody Pitman
- Coastal Alabama Real Estate, LLC
- Coastal Classics Home Design & Renovations
- Coastal Stone and Cabinetry
- Colby Cooper
- Collins Kranz
- Contact Electric, Inc.
- Cornelia Fourney
- Custom Millworks, Inc.
- Cynthia Degnan
- David Nicolson
- Dayna Jones
- Deborah Hubbard Lino
- Deborah Moore
- Diamond Masonry
- Donna Kaczala
- Door & Gutter Pro
- Dorothy Jackson
- E3 Termite & Pest Control
- Easy-Haul
- Ed’s Shed
- Elaine Osborn
- Eric Craig Homes Inc.
- Evans Meats
- Fairhope Brewing Company
- Fairhope Roasting Company
- Fairhope Sunset Rotary Club
- Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
- First Baptist Church of Fairhope
- First Choice Security, LLC
- Ford Lumber
- Frances Kranik
- Frank Muscarella
- Frostholm Construction, LLC
- Fulcrum Construction
- Garcia Drywall
- Gavin and Carol Speaks
- Gene & Rena Bouchillon
- Gene's Floor Covering II, Inc.
- George Laskay
- George Nelson
- Gloria Chabot
- Gotcha Covered of Baldwin County
- Greater Than Zero, LLC
- Gregory B Saad
- Heath & Rachel Impastato
- Herman and Marghuerita Roberts
- Holly Bumberger
- Huber Engineered Woods
- Hunter Montgomery
- Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety
- Integrated Cabling Systems
- Interior/Exterior Building Supply
- J.Bradley Christensen
- Jacqueline Boyer
- Jake Pose
- James Binner
- James Briscione
- James Hardee Building Products
- James Semsey
- Jan Johnson
- Jane Baird
- Jason Boylan
- JD Dyes
- Jeff Naples
- Jeff Zimmer
- Jeri Osmanson
- Joe Lee
- John Conley
- John Francis
- Joseph Collins
- Joseph Gajnos
- Jubilee Plumbing
- Jubilee Suites, Fairhope
- Julienne Roach
- Kathleen Gillette
- Kathy Getek
- Kathy LaFaughi
- Keith and Stephanie Glines
- Kim and Chip Campbell
- Knockout Home Inspections
- Kristy Haley
- Largay Douglas
- Laura Youmans
- Leah Willisson
- Leslie Baumhower
- Lisette Norman
- Lorraine Katsimpalis
- Marcella Smith
- Mari-leen Marais
- Mark Sturm
- Martie Duncan
- Mathes of Alabama
- Mediterranean Sandwich Co.
- Metal Roofing Center & Supply
- Metal Roofing Headquarters
- MH3 Printing
- Michele Davis
- Michelle Ragussis
- Mike Lyons
- Mobile Appliance
- Moen
- Nancy Grace
- Nichols Concrete Holding
- Nick Liberato
- Oyster City Brewing Company
- Panini Pete’s Fairhope
- Parker Painting
- Pascal Bruijn
- Patricia Hartmann
- Patsy Merritt
- Penny Groux
- Pete and Jodi Blohme
- Peter Campbell
- Pittman Insurance Agency
- Professional Women in Building
- ProFlo
- Randy Neimeyer
- Reehlco Custom Homes
- Robert & Cherie Nemens
- Robert Hall
- Rod and Anita Crigler
- Salsa Brava
- Sandra & Amy
- Sarah Carroll
- Sarah Maddox
- Scott & Jennifer Douglass
- Scott and Katherine Lumpkin
- Scott Utzinger
- Sharan Graves
- Shawn Donelon
- Sherwin-Williams
- SLP General Construction, LLC
- Smith, Clark and Associates, LLC
- Socky Feinberg
- Solita King
- Southern Brass, LLC
- Specialty Wash of the Gulf Coast
- Stanton Lee
- Steiner Services
- Stephanie Boelhauf
- Stephen Allegrie
- Strategic Business Network
- Stretch
- Summit Landscape Supply
- Sunset Pointe
- Superior Plus Landscaping
- Susan McGowin
- The Fairhope Chocolate Shop
- The Fairhope Soap Company – Debbie
- The Fairhope Store
- The Gillispies
- The Happy Olive
- The Malo Family
- The Plot Shop
- Theresa Lyda
- Thomas Impastato
- Tim and Lynn Mackie
- Tim Morales and Associates, Inc.
- Tina Feltes
- Todd Putnam
- Tool Expo
- Trinity Presbyterian Church
- Troy Duell
- Tuckaway Tavern
- United Johnson Brothers
- US Foods
- Valere Homes
- Vance and Sons Cabinets, Inc.
- Vandalet Mailbox Co.
- Victoria Stewart
- Vinyl Plank 4 Less
- Wade and Kate Wellburn
- West Ready Mix, Inc.